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Media Education and Literacy in Latin America


In this paper, we discuss discourses on media literacy and the state of the art in media education in Latin America paying special attention to the contextual factors that have helped shape such discourses and educational practices. We found that the main factors that are needed for understanding the situation of media education are the countries´ historical background, the social and political developments as well as the government agendas that are translated into formal educational policies and school systems. Understanding this general context is essential because it frames and conditions the effective (or ineffective) use and critical appropriation of digital media in education in the region and it strongly impacts the development of media and ICT educational-related policies in Latin America. We also reflect on the role of the formal educational systems as key players in media education in many of the countries in the region. We end with a discussion of the main challenges associated with ICT literacy in the region, namely that in a context where socio-economic differences are vast and where new media and information access is so unevenly distributed, media education should serve as a mechanism to achieve more equitable access and meaningful appropriation of the nowadays indispensable communication and information technologies.


1. Introduction

2. Educational Contexts

3. Telecommunication Infrastructure and Access to ICT

4. Approaches to Media and ICT Education in Latin America

5. Conclusions

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Media Education and Literacy in Latin America

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Media Education and Literacy in Latin America



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Beltz Juventa


Verà³nica Donoso / Christine W. Wijnen


Digital Divide

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