Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Soziale Arbeit

The Annual Review of Social Work and Social Pedagogy in Austria

Social Participation of Older People with Migration Experiences through the Lens of Active Citizenship and Caring Communities


Against the background of the negative effects of current social developments on marginalised population groups, this article analyses the social participation of older people with migration experiences. The focus is not only on their needs, but in particular how they practice active urban citizenship and mutual care in the context of a “caring community”. These practices can be supported by professional social work. However, they also have the potential to broaden the common understanding of social work as a service to clients, and to make everyday solidarity visible. A theoretical exploration with regards to these concepts of active citizenship, caring communities and social work is combined with a review of literature, the presentation of statistical data and the interpretation of expert interviews conducted within a participatory research project. By these means, the article sheds light on the role of family, migrant communities and the wider local neighbourhoods on the social participation of older people with migration experiences.


Social Participation of Older People with Migration Experiences through the Lens of Active Citizenship and Caring Communities
Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Soziale Arbeit (ISSN 2628-4502), Ausgabe 1, Jahr 2024, Seite 37 - 58

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Social Participation of Older People with Migration Experiences through the Lens of Active Citizenship and Caring Communities


Österreichisches Jahrbuch für Soziale Arbeit (ISSN 2628-4502), Ausgabe 1, Jahr 2024, Seite 37 - 58




Annette Sprung, Brigitte Kukovetz, Anna Kainradl, Dzenana Pupic, Klaus Wegleitner, Social Participation of Older People with Migration Experiences through the Lens of Active Citizenship and Caring Communities (2025), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 2628-4502, 2024 #1, S.37

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Beltz Juventa


Annette Sprung / Brigitte Kukovetz / Anna Kainradl / Dzenana Pupic / Klaus Wegleitner


caring communities
social participation
participatory research
active citizenship