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Religiosity and Secularization in Changing Times

The Example of Turkey and the Muslim Diaspora in Germany and Austria

Herausgegeben von Mizrap Polat / Erol Yildiz / Jasmin Donlic

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172 Seiten ISBN:978-3-7799-8040-7 Erschienen:06.03.2024  

Lieferzeit: Sofort (Download)

Zur Produktliste »Theorie«

Religiosity and Secularization in Changing Times

The Example of Turkey and the Muslim Diaspora in Germany and Austria

The aim of this anthology is to break away from mythical ideas about Islam and Muslims. It will examine how the transformation of globalized and digitalized societies affects the secularization and religiosity of the people involved, with contributions from Germany, Austria and Turkey. The texts assembled here illustrate different perspectives on the dynamic relationship between secularization and religious orientation in different contexts.

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