This study examines soft authoritarian identity politics, a political phenomenon which portrays struggles for minority rights as a threat to the majority population. Employing Critical Discourse Analysis and focusing on the mainstream discourse in France, this article analyzes presidential speeches, discourse from high-ranking government officials, and media. It reveals the normalizing effects of reversing discursive positions and the growing ideological convergence between far-right stances and government
Mimicry of Marginality in Soft Authoritarian Identity Politics
Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung (ISSN 2195-867X), Ausgabe 2, Jahr 2023, Seite 143 - 162
Mimicry of Marginality in Soft Authoritarian Identity Politics
Zeitschrift für Diskursforschung (ISSN 2195-867X), Ausgabe 2, Jahr 2023, Seite 143 - 162
Hagen Steinhauer, Mimicry of Marginality in Soft Authoritarian Identity Politics (2025), Beltz Juventa, 69469 Weinheim, ISSN: 2195-867X, 2023 #2, S.143
Beltz Juventa