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7th ed. published 2021. 33 pages From the age of 3 years up Rights sold: Denmark, Brazil
The truly adventurous journey of a sloth that travels halfway around the world because it is not willing to ever part from its tree. Not even when the tree has long been made into a chair. With magnificent illustrations by Kerstin Gehrmann.
In a jungle in a faraway country, the sloth hangs on, for a sloth never leaves its tree. Not even when the tree has been chopped down. The tree travels across the ocean, arrives at a saw mill and is made into a chair – which the sloth is hanging upside down on. It would never leave its tree, no matter what. Only Paul realizes that it is not possible to go on this way and sticks it, together with the chair, into a box with the following label: »Please return to jungle!«