Practical Textbook Mindfulness at School

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Vera Kaltwasser

Practical Textbook Mindfulness at School

Self-regulation and relationship enhancement as the basis for learning

1st ed. published 2016. 251 pages All rights available

Practical Textbook Mindfulness at School

Self-regulation and relationship enhancement as the basis for learning

• Enabling personal development in schools
• Steps to integrate mindfulness into the school day

Practicing mindfulness enables children and youth to continually improve their skills at impulse control. Through mindfulness, students learn to deal with stress, improve their skills of self-regulation, and take conscious action. In this textbook, Vera Kaltwasser provides teachers with the necessary background knowledge and step-by-step instructions to implement "Mindfulness at School", a practice-based and scientifically proven concept. In addition, the book offers numerous classroom exercises that strengthen students’ personal resources.

Target group:
Secondary school teachers