Integrative CBT in Frustration Intolerance

Integrative CBT in Frustration Intolerance

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Harlich H. Stavemann / Yvonne Hülsner

Integrative CBT in Frustration Intolerance

Anger disorders and procrastination. Diagnosis – treatment plan – therapy concept. With working materials

1st ed. published 2016. 230 pages All rights available

Integrative CBT in Frustration Intolerance

Anger disorders and procrastination. Diagnosis – treatment plan – therapy concept. With working materials

• Dealing properly with frustration
• Reference book for the patients’ book
• Elementary subject for therapy

Low frustration tolerance is expressed mainly in two manifestations: anger disorders and procrastination. This leads, for example, to sufferers changing jobs frequently or chronically postponing aversive, but necessary activities of daily life. Here, Stavemann and Hülsner present some practical integrative CBT strategies for the treatment of problems with frustration intolerance.

Target group:
Psychological and medical psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychotherapists in training