With e-book inside and audio exercises
1st ed. published 2016. 133 pages All rights available
• Relaxation for children
• Easy-to-understand introduction to the subject
• With audio instructions to download
The pressure to achieve success at school and overstimulation from the media have a daily effect on our children. On the one hand, they are increasingly exposed to stress, but, at the same time, they lack the ability to cope with it. Autogenic training provides children with a method which helps them to deal with stress constructively. In this introduction, the tried-and-tested relaxation method is presented using the classic exercises for heaviness, warmth, breathing, a calm tone, the abdomen and head in a suitable form for children with appealing stories. In addition, the exercise instructions can be downloaded in audio.
Target group:
Psychotherapists for children and young adults, staff in parent counselling centres, teachers, primary school teachers