Getting off the old stumbling paths

Breaking Negative Thinking Patterns

Gitta Jacob / Hannie van Genderen / Laura Seebauer

Breaking Negative Thinking Patterns

Understanding and changing life patterns – a schema therapeutic self-help book

2nd ed. published 2017. 182 pages Rights sold: Romania, Turkey, United Kingdom (English world), simpl. Chinese, Serbian, Lithuanian Korean

Breaking Negative Thinking Patterns

Understanding and changing life patterns – a schema therapeutic self-help book

• Case studies, which run through the book, clarify the schemes and modes
• Suitable for self-help: for general life cases and emotional problems
• Lots of exercises to use immediately

Many people know this problem: they make the same mistakes over and over again, even though they fully intended to react differently the next time. They have stubborn behaviour patterns they simply cannot get rid of because of certain feelings which always stand in the way. In this case, schema therapy can help them. The book is lovingly illustrated and the authors use a lot of case studies to show where these patterns come from and how you can change them. Working materials, which can also be printed out online, help you discover your own patterns. There is a glossary to explain the technical expressions.