Sexual Disorders

Peter Fiedler

Sexual Disorders

1st ed. published 2018. 190 pages All rights available

Sexual Disorders

• up-to-date overview of this important topic
• by a renowned specialist

Despite the liberalisation of sexuality and the reduction of fear, conflicts and guilt about it, more and more people are seeking help for sexual disorders. At the same time, knowledge about sexual disorders and how they can be treated is not always up-to-date. Peter Fiedler provides concise information about mental disorders with relation to sexual development and orientation, gender dysphoria and gender identity disorders, sexual dysfunction, and sexual deviations and paraphilia.

sexual development, sexual orientation and choice of partner • mental disorders related to sexual development and orientation • gender dysphoria and gender identity disorders • sexual dysfunction • sexual deviations and paraphilia • sexuality and sexual disorders through the ages

Target group
Trainee and qualified psychological and medical psychotherapists