75 Therapy Cards for Schema Therapy

Gitta Jacob / Andrea Hauer

75 Therapy Cards for Schema Therapy

Artwork by Cheryll Böhm

1st ed. published 2017. 75 pages All rights available

75 Therapy Cards for Schema Therapy

• structured approach and flexible use
• high-quality set of equipment

A tool for working flexibly and imaginatively with patients in schema therapy: the set of cards includes (1) schema modes to create an individual mode model or for use in chair dialogues, (2) 'questions and answers' on psychoeducation, (3) disorder-specific mode models with illustrations and information on specific features of the mode constellation, (4) cards to deal with dysfunctional modes and the typical feelings, thoughts and needs, (5) action cards with tips and ideas. This makes the schema therapeutic approach active and lively.

Target group
Psychological and medical psychotherapists, psychotherapists in training, psychiatrists