The Psychotherapist’s Inner Critic

The Psychotherapist’s Inner Critic

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Boris Pigorsch

The Psychotherapist’s Inner Critic

Being disempowered by self-disparagement and exaggerated doubts

1st ed. published 2019. 243 pages All rights available

The Psychotherapist’s Inner Critic

Being disempowered by self-disparagement and exaggerated doubts

• important aspects of self-care
• lots of case studies and interviews

‘You are not good enough!’ Psychotherapists also get affected by self-devaluation and exaggerated doubts. The 'inner critic' takes on the role of a psychological, inner agency and causes them to start believing that they are incompetent. If this inner critic becomes too strong, it can lead to depression or anxiety disorders. Proper treatment for this inner critic is therefore an important aspect of self-care.

Boris Pigorsch uses a range of case studies and interviews with those affected to lay out in which situations the therapist – whether in training or in daily practice – encounters the inner critic and how it can be disempowered. The author also presents strategies to help you get to know your own 'caring companion'. The book contains lots of additional work materials and mediation exercises, which can also be downloaded as audio files.

Target group
Psychological and medical psychotherapists, psychotherapists in training, coaches and counsellors