Self-assurance and Self-care

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Horia Fabini

Self-assurance and Self-care

Dealing with potentially dangerous patients in psychotherapy

1st ed. published 2019. 164 pages All rights available

Self-assurance and Self-care

Dealing with potentially dangerous patients in psychotherapy

• for prevention and emergency management
• lots of working materials

Again and again it happens that therapists are attacked in medical practices, clinics or prisons. This often emanates from chronically violent people, people with dementia or people with personality disorders.

Horia Fabini presents a practical explanation of how self-assurance and self-care can succeed in dealing with patients who could potentially behave aggressively and how attacks can be prevented by effective preventive measures. At the beginning, the basis of aggression and diseases which often lead to aggressive behaviour is set out. The emphasis is then put on the wider topic of prevention, risk and threat analysis, emergency management and the follow-up after an attack has been carried out. This book contains a lot of material, such as checklists or model contracts, to help implement this in everyday working life.

Target group
Psychological and medical psychotherapists, psychiatrists in clinics and prisons as well as in outpatient surgeries