Appreciating Language Diversity

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Svenja Blaczek

Appreciating Language Diversity

with the picture book ‘Chirp!’ by Martin Baltscheit

1st ed. published 2019. 16 pages All rights available

Appreciating Language Diversity

with the picture book ‘Chirp!’ by Martin Baltscheit

• the illustrated book ‘Chirp!’ as a starting point for the subject of language diversity
• compact and well-founded expert knowledge

Cultural and linguistic diversity characterises how we live together. In kindergarten, children interact with each other and are confronted with other languages, e.g. during play and while having a meal. They experience language as a means of expression and communication. The little bird featured in ‘Chirp!’ also wants to be understood. He has fallen out of his nest and is now looking for his mother. He encounters many other animals and languages. Can the other animals understand him?

Working with the picture book ‘Chirp!’ and this project book, children learn to think and talk about language. What is language? What do we need language for? By interacting with the picture book from different perspectives, the children develop a joy for speaking and make the acquaintance of other languages. The eight projects aid literary learning and the acquisition of specific linguistic structures.

The series
At the centre of this project book is one aspect of a bigger topic. This aspect is investigated with eight project ideas using one picture book. Each project approaches the aspect from a different perspective.

Target group
Early-learning teaching staff in training and practice, elementary and primary school language teachers