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1st ed. published 2019. 296 pages All rights available
• firmly practice oriented
• broad spectrum of options for treatment
• with lots of therapy dialogue
Impulse control disorders can show up in different ways, for example binge-eating, gambling addiction or pathological stealing. What they all have in common is that those affected suffer greatly from compulsive and uncontrollable behaviour.
Behavioural therapy can help in a variety of ways to regulate these types of impulse control disorders. Alfred Ehret describes the various disorders and outlines the process using a variety of case studies. He focuses on choosing the setting: how do I motivate my patients to change their behaviour? Which therapy models seem to make sense?
Using various behavioural techniques and models (cue-exposure model, habit reversal training, etc), individual solutions for a suitable therapy are shown. With lots of therapy dialogues for practical implementation.
Target group
Psychological and medical psychotherapists, psychotherapists in training