1st ed. published 2019. 260 pages All rights available
• treating addictions successfully
• the most important addictions
• extensive collection of materials with over 120 worksheets
Of all addictions, excessive alcohol consumption and smoking are the most prevalent and have the most serious effects: 1.8 million people in Germany are alcoholics, and 8.1 million are smokers. The consequences are hundreds of secondary diseases and over one hundred thousand deaths. Alcohol and tobacco addictions often occur together, they have similar addictive mechanisms. For this reason, this book the series therapy tools contains extensive work materials for both the treatment of alcoholics and support for smoking cessation at the following stages: diagnosis / anamnesis, motivation / decision to change, developing personal therapy goals, implementing treatment and preventing relapse. This provides practitioners with the appropriate materials to achieve successful and time-economic therapy.
(1) Diagnostics and anamnesis: a selection of checklists for recording addictive behaviour
(2) Motivation and the decision to change: recognising addictive behaviour, understanding addictive mechanisms
(3) Development of personal therapy goals: treatment plan, treatment goals, job search assistance
(4) Implementing therapy: individual sessions, group sessions, including partners
(5) Preventing relapse: dealing with longings, refusal training, emergency plan and much more
Target group
Psychotherapists in clinics and practices, addiction counselling staff, staff at rehabilitation clinics