A curse, a tree and a mystery

The Cursed Tree

Martina Wildner

The Cursed Tree

1st ed. published 2019. 205 pages From the age of 11 years up All rights available

The Cursed Tree

»Aaaaaah-uaaaah-owwwwwww!« the tree sighs. Another dead body is on the ground nearby. The fir tree brings bad luck, they say in this village in southern Germany, where almost everyone believes in ghosts and the supernatural. It’s probably a bunch of nonsense, think Hendrik, Eddi and Ida. So they use their intelligence to investigate things. Yet before they stumble over a fascinating lead, Hendrik has to ask himself whether he is possessed by a spirit. Not only does he suddenly know amazing things about trees, he also has strange phases of paralysis overcome him. Does he need to fear for his life?
Another spooky adventure with Hendrik, Eddi and Ida!