A personal farewell book. Remembering, recording, preserving
4th ed. published 2025. 128 pages All rights available
When your parents are gone
The funeral is over, the apartment cleared out and sold. The inheritance has been arranged, all the loose ends have been tied up. However, the most important questions often do not crop up until a good while after the father’s death: what was he to me? What kind of person was my father? What stories of his, what values and experiences live on in me? What is it that I don’t want to forget? 111 questions to help you remember. There are no limits to the emotions you can feel: grief, admiration, disappointment, anger, joy, gratitude ... Everything and anything is allowed. The personal album which is created out of this reflects the unique relationship you had; one which stretches far beyond the grave.
• Warm-hearted tone, attractive design
• Unique companion book for working on personal issues
• Comforting gift for anyone who is in mourning
• Writing as a way of coping