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90 question cards with instructions
1st ed. published 2019. 90 pages All rights available
• concrete questions, working hypotheses and reflective questions
• training your own questioning skills
• to inspire use in practical environments
Systemic coaching thrives on question techniques and the ability of coaches to navigate processes skilfully. The 90 cards illustrate an entire coaching process carried out using systemic question techniques. In each of the six categories there are questions, working hypotheses and helpful thoughts to reflect on. Thanks to being based on practical situations, this set of cards provides the ideal chance to prepare. The hypothesis-guided work and accompanying questions of attitude provide coaches with optimal support. The booklet describes how to use the cards based on the ‘coaching process chain’.
The six categories:
• building relationships and conveying attitudes
• putting concerns in concrete terms and contracting
• finding the observational and processing level
• contextualising constructions and developing working hypotheses
• reality check and impact check
• integration and completion
Target group
Executive management, mediators, psychotherapists, trainers, consultants, coaches