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Keeping it together from ages 5 to 10
2nd ed. published 2019. 360 pages Rights sold: German audio book, China, Estland, Hungary, Poland, Slowakia
Does your 6-year old ALREADY want to move out? Do they throw tantrums at home but don’t say a single word at school? Should parents provide a taxi service or be happy to let their child go by themselves? There’s no doubting that children aged 5 to 10 pose a wide range of challenges for parents!
The authors of the bestseller on the terrible twos are here to help you manage your fears and those of your child and illustrate alternative parenting strategies with a focus on mutual letting go, trust, school ups and downs, family happiness and respect. In their familiar humorous and personal style, with practical examples and at eye level, the authors show why ages 5 to 10 are a very significant period in the parenting process. These years see the establishment of a basis for ‘tolerable’ puberty and the development of important values and habits which will last a lifetime: empathy, perseverance, individual responsibility (e.g. eating, media use) and the ability to handle freedom.