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A handbook for parents
6th ed. published 2025. 287 pages All rights available
- Recognising high giftedness and supporting it accordingly
- The latest, scientifically-based book for the parents of gifted children
Having a gifted child is a reason to rejoice. However, for mothers and fathers, the desire to provide a successful upbringing and optimal encouragement can lead to uncertainty and also place excessive demands on them.
This handbook provides support for parents for the typical questions and problems. It is based on the successful KLIKK training for parents with gifted children (KLIKK - communication and solution strategies for interacting with gifted children). Gifted children and adolescents have a right to individual support tailored to their learning and performance expectations. In order to guarantee this, parents, educators and teachers must recognise high giftedness and become suitably qualified. Using the experience gained from their consultation practice and supported by the latest scientific findings, the two authors provide suggestions for constructive and relaxed interaction in everyday family life. The authors encourage parents to act as tutors and specialists for the special situation their children find themselves in and boost parents' and children's self-confidence and self-esteem.