Sex which makes you happy has no norms

Is This Normal?

Let's talk about sex the way you want it

3rd ed. published 2025. 368 pages All rights available

Is This Normal?

Let's talk about sex the way you want it

Prosexual, mature - this is how the world in which we live today works. The fatal thing about it is that, when it comes to sex, we are confronted with clichés which are often dubious, and a whole range of myths. And they can really stress us out. Instead of a liberated sexuality, the pressure to meet expectations grows. Of course, sexuality has many facets. A lack of desire is quite normal, as is the longing for fetishes and porn or the need for intimacy and tenderness.
Sex therapist Dr Melanie Büttner and science journalists Alina Schadwinkel and Sven Stockrahm add to what we know about sex in an entertaining way. The psyche is given just as much attention as the body and our relationships. This is not only fun, but above all makes us curious to get to know our own sexual needs better.

1. Too liberated to be free - how porn and new stereotypes influence our sexuality
2. This is me - my sexual identity
3. My body and me - how sex feels good
4. You and me - sex and the relationship
5. Something's going wrong - problems with sex
6. I don't know what to do - professional support

• From the creators of the successful ZEIT-ONLINE sex podcast ‘Is this normal?’ with 50,000 downloads per episode
• The perfect remedy for insecurity, fears and myths
• A personal guide to the latest research, sex therapy and medicine