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ImPuls: a sports and exercise therapy programme for people suffering with mental illness
1st ed. published 2020. 200 pages All rights available
- integrating sport into therapy
- a modern supplement to psychotherapy
- with work materials and training plans
The therapeutic effect of sport on various mental illnesses has been proven many times. Physical activities can contribute to an improvement in patients’ mental health. In order to integrate sporting activity into everyday life, it is crucial to include aspects of motivation and activity which apply generally, but also specifically, to the various disorders.
The behavioural therapy exercise programme ‘ImPuls’ was developed for patients with depression, anxiety disorders and sleep disorders on just this basis. It combines group therapy with endurance sports and aims at quickly integrating sports and exercise into everyday life. The programme is highly structured, but can also be used in a modular way – by psychological psychotherapists, but also by sports therapists in clinics to accompany psychotherapy.
Target group:
Psychiatrists, psychotherapists in training and practice, therapists