The Child I Wanted So Badly gets Reinforcements

The Child I Wanted So Badly is Driving Me Crazy

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Danielle Graf / Katja Seide

The Child I Wanted So Badly is Driving Me Crazy

The sibling book

7th ed. published 2024. 331 pages Rights sold: China, Poland

The Child I Wanted So Badly is Driving Me Crazy

The sibling book

Siblings fight with each other, they love each other, they want attention - and bring wrinkles of concern to their parents' brows. As usual, these best-selling authors turn their attention to a topic that many of their readers have requested: how parents can be fair to each of their offspring. They describe how parents with multiple children can open up the free spaces necessary to be able to get to know each of their children individually. The focus is on the family bond, but the authors also shed light on why the sibling relationship provides us with important opportunities in testing what constitutes successful social behaviour. This results from the fact that within the sibling relationship, apart from arguments, there is a large amount of love and trust. Danielle Graf and Katja Seide describe what parents can do to make sure that each child feels visible in the family without them losing sight of themselves in the chaos of everyday life.
• Three years on the Spiegel magazine bestseller list
• Over 400,000 copies of the first two titles ‘The Child I Wished to Have So Badly is Driving me crazy’ sold and published in 13 countries