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Boys & Puberty

Reinhard Winter

Boys & Puberty

Staying in touch when everything changes

3rd ed. published 2024. 316 pages All rights available

Boys & Puberty

Staying in touch when everything changes

The journey from boyhood to manhood is not an easy one and it’s hard for parents too. It’s almost too late to rely on upbringing – but what else is there? The most important thing for parents to do is maintain the relationship with their almost grown-up son and recalibrate it. Germany’s best-known expert on boys’ issues shows how best to get the right balance between holding on and letting go using many examples and tips. Reinhard Winter helps parents experience their son's puberty as a dynamic phase of life itself: making itself felt on all levels of life - physically, psychologically and socially - but ultimately it gives the adolescent boy (and his parents) the strength to manage the growing up process.
• Author of ‘Boys Need Clear Messages’
• Puberty as a great challenge for parents