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A book about bonding, upbringing and care in the first years of life
1st ed. published 2020. 336 pages All rights available
‘How Much Mother Does a Child Need’ is a question which concerns most families. Thrown back into the confines of their own four walls thanks to the home office, it has become as clear as day that some rethinking about the roles and tasks in the family and beyond needs to be done. Is mother really responsible for everything that has to do with the children? Or have we not finally reached the point where we should start taking seriously the age-old idea of sharing the enormous efforts involved in childcare? And what about child development, which is so rapid particularly in the first years of life and crucial for the rest of the child’s life? What do we know about the child's awakening mental processes and early education? What influence does care have on it?
The attachment researcher Lieselotte Ahnert provides an in depth look at precisely these and many other questions in the first years of a child’s life, and in particular includes the child's perspective. The book provides support for parents who are looking to reorientate how they live together with their children. But it also has a lot of information on child psychology for all those who are involved in attachment, education and care of children in the first years of their lives.
• Excellent, well-known book in a completely revised and expanded new edition
• The author is a well-known attachment researcher
• Central questions are thoroughly examined