How to achieve a fair division of work within the family
Artwork by Teresa Holtmann
8th ed. published 2025. 224 pages Rights sold: Hungary
In most cases, women take on the role of family manager. Whether they want to or not. They think of everything, plan the daily life, keep in mind every little to-do list for the children and their partners. This kind of project management is a recognised and well-paid full-time job in business, but at home it is work which somehow just magically ‘gets done’.
Mental load is the expression for what puts women under endless stress. In her new book, Patricia Cammarata demonstrates some concrete ways out of this situation, for women and for men, which she has tried out herself and in her workshops: sharing out responsibilities fairly, letting go of some tasks, creating free space and, above all, applying energy to be there for each other as a couple - this will solve the problem in the long term. A book for mothers and fathers who finally want to live on an equal footing.
• The author introduced the term mental load into Germany
• Bestselling author with Spiegel magazine, psychologist and blogger:
• A book for mothers and fathers who finally want to live on an equal footing