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Be More, Need Less

Thomas Bruhn / Jessica Böhme

Be More, Need Less

What sustainability has to do with our relationships

1st ed. published 2021. 256 pages All rights available

Be More, Need Less

What sustainability has to do with our relationships

Our relationships as the key to a sustainable way of life

Reduce waste, shop locally, eat vegan: the pursuit of greater sustainability has become a contest of convictions. Anyone who fails, feels guilty. Indeed, our planet is not doing well. And on top of that, according to the authors’ thesis, the state of our world holds up a mirror to the state of our society. The way we exploit the planet is a reflection of the way we often behave in our relationships with ourselves and with each other: selfish and benefit-oriented. In this way, we destroy not only our own vitality, but also that of the planet, inasmuch as both are directly related. A plea for posing some critical questions towards our behaviour regarding the earth and our fellow human beings and to change them vitally for the better.

• Dynamic relationships as the key to responsible ecological action
• Makes you want to live a sustainable lifestyle that can be enjoyable