Supporting children without pressure and giving them unconditional acceptance
Artwork by Nadine Roßa
5th ed. published 2021. 273 pages Rights sold: China, Russia
Trending subject of bringing up children without pressure or force
Many parents want to support their children on a basis oriented to their needs and deal with them on an equal footing. But in doing that, they always come up against their limits. In this book, the educator Susanne Mierau does a rethink of the concept of needs-based upbringing. Needs orientation is not an educational method, but an educational attitude: it is the art of truly accepting a child unconditionally as he or she is and not having any expectations of how he or she should be. Mierau describes how parents can manage to develop an understanding of children's needs which works in everyday life. She provides parents with support to help them free themselves from their own negative experiences and social perceptions and to find their own way to engage with children with respect and without pressure or force.
• The question of pressure in bringing up children is posed in a radical and comprehensive way
• ‘Bringing kids up without scolding’, for parents who have reached their limits