1st ed. published 2021. 211 pages Rights sold: China, Korea, Russia, Serbia (exp.), Turkey
The highly successful title on the emotional world of children
Children have a rich and varied emotional life and knowing more about it and participating in it can be a huge enrichment for parents. This book takes an empathic look at how children feel, how their feelings differ from those of adults and what causes or triggers there are for these feelings. The many feelings which take up a large part in children's lives are described here; feelings such as love, guilt, shame, loneliness and justice.
The authors show how children can be supported in learning how to feel, to enable them to use their feelings to guide them through their lives. And what adults need when they are dealing with children's feelings so that they can take them seriously and understand them better.
• The authors are experts on feelings, talking about children
• 34 selected feelings: from Anger to Zeal
• Required reading for parents and educators
• 15.000 copies already sold