Therapy Tools: Mobbing in Childhood and Adolescence

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Nina Spröber / Eva Dresbach

Therapy Tools: Mobbing in Childhood and Adolescence

1st ed. published 2022. 273 pages All rights available

Therapy Tools: Mobbing in Childhood and Adolescence

Children and young people are regularly confronted with various forms of bullying in their everyday lives, in the school playground or on social media – either as those affected or as perpetrators.
Mobbing or bullying can have far-reaching consequences for those involved, such as developing depression, somatic complaints, fears and symptoms of post-traumatic stress disorder. It has an impact on self-esteem and the ability to form further relationships. Perpetrators can experience depressive symptoms and ongoing social problems. In both groups, the effects can continue on into adulthood.
This Therapy Tools book provides extensive working materials for dealing with those affected, the perpetrators and their parents. Behavioural
and schema therapeutic methods as well as systemic approaches are taken into consideration.

• Important subject amongst young people
• Comprehensive, high-quality working materials
• Written by experienced therapists

Child and adolescent psychotherapists, child and adolescent psychiatrists, staff in counselling centres