On the loss of my child and the strength to start life anew
1st ed. published 2021. 160 pages All rights available
At least one in three women has to go through this personally: losing a child before, during or shortly after birth. In her book, inspired by her own experiences, Josephine Links uses Clara’s story to help us understand how painful it can be to lose a child who has just been born and has already become a part of your own life. And she describes how important it is to face the pain in order to find love and hope again. • Courageous book on a taboo subject • Conveys hope and helps overcome grief and trauma • Every third pregnancy ends in a miscarriage ‘I just couldn’t put it down! The text touched me deeply and also knocked me a little off balance, not because of its sadness, but because of its beauty.’ Marie Malcovati, author