Mindfulness in Words and Pictures

Susanne Strobach / Matthieu Hess

Mindfulness in Words and Pictures

Supporting mindfulness training effectively

1st ed. published 2021. 60 pages All rights available

Mindfulness in Words and Pictures

Supporting mindfulness training effectively

This card set has cards for attitudes and knowledge along with illustrations which stimulate thought and provide effective support for any mindfulness training.This is because it combines the power of words and images - in an inspiring way. What makes it impressive is the clear structure of the cards with these aims: teaching - practice - consolidation. Coaches and trainers can use the cards very effectively in their online andoffline work.

In the booklet, Susanne Strobach explains the meaning of the various attitudes in more detail. Three stimulating questions on each card pick up on these positions. This allows multi-faceted and in-depth, mindfulness-based
reflection on the big questions in life and the small everyday problems.

• Ideas and inspiration for increased mindfulness.
• Pictures to address deeper levels - the illustrations encourage creativity and relaxation

Coaches, trainers, educators and anyone who is getting into the subject of mindfulness or wants to get more intensively involved in mindfulness