Behaviour Therapy Compass

Bernd Ubben

Behaviour Therapy Compass

1st ed. published 2022. 156 pages All rights available

Behaviour Therapy Compass

What are the phases of successful behavioural therapy? What are the characteristics of a positive therapeutic working relationship? How can the
quality of basic therapeutic behaviour be assessed and strengthened during the course of therapy?

This ‘compass’ helps behavioural therapists navigate through the therapy - with regard to both the complete course of treatment and the
individual therapy sessions. The methods in the book provide support for experienced psychotherapists and also those starting their
careers on how to follow a goal-oriented path from the initial consultation to the conclusion of the treatment.

• Step-by-step orientation for (prospective) behavioural therapists
• With 30 work sheets and information sheets
• Ideal for students starting a new psychotherapy course

Psychological and medical psychotherapists, psychotherapists in training, students of psychotherapy