Mini Manual for Didactic Reduction

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Yvo Wüest

Mini Manual for Didactic Reduction

1st ed. published 2022. 162 pages All rights available

Mini Manual for Didactic Reduction

Presenting complex specialist knowledge in a compact but clear way is the goal for everyone who works in the further education field. It is not only since the Corona pandemic that many trainers and coaches have been confronted with having to shift larger parts of their faceto-face material to online formats. However, now that ever increasing parts of the learning material have to be available upstream or downstream for the learning process via digital channels, the entire profession has had to focus on selecting, reducing and processing content.

In this mini manual, Ivo Wüest shows you how to identify key messages and how to deal with a wealth of material and complexity. This brings greater simplicity to your presentations and lessons and helps you gain confidence and clarity when you are teaching - both in digital training, on the go on various learning platforms and via social media, but also in face-to-face settings.

• Concrete proposals and suggestions for didactic reduction
• Selection, reduction and transformation of essential content
• Methods to easily present your content online

Coaches, trainers, consultants, vocational trainers