Wildly wonderful stories by the author of Eliot and Isabella

The Flying Mole

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Ingo Siegner

The Flying Mole

1st ed. published 2022. 160 pages From the age of 5 years up All rights available

The Flying Mole

Ingo Siegner, creator of Eliot and Isabella, is a master storyteller for young children. In this story book, he tells of courageous and timid heroes that experience great adventures. Like Günter, the gander, or the mole that dreams of flying, Conrad, the crab, and Hokuspokus, who is looking for his mommy. And in such a pleasurable and amusing style that children will love listening to. A book with many illustrations, as colourful and funny as the stories themselves. Eliot would say, “Oh boy!”. There’s even a new story about him, too, by the way!