Escaping from the pathological use of the PC and Internet
2nd ed. published 2022. 201 pages Rights sold: Poland
- Top experts show how to break online addiction - Therapy companion book, can be used for bibliotherapy
Pathological PC/Internet use, colloquially also known as online addiction, is steadily increasing amongst adolescents and young adults. In Germany some 16% of male adolescents up to 18 demonstrate excessive game-playing habits; a large number of them are considered to be in danger of addiction. These addicts are being increasingly treated in clinics and psychotherapy centres. In this therapy companion book, the authors describe how PC/Internet addiction can occur and explain the treatment step by step. Thanks to the attractive design of the book and the working materials, the book can be used in clinics – working materials are put into the hands of patients and therapists. However, the relatives of those affected also receive valuable information. All the working materials are available online.