How to succeed with a gender-open upbringing
2nd ed. published 2022. 285 pages All rights available
Letting children grow up free from gender constraints
For parents who are bringing up their children with a bonding and needs-oriented approach, the child’s freedom to self-determination is an important value. That means doing away with gender stereotypes and enabling the child’s (gender) identity to develop freely. This happens mainly during the first 10 years of the child’s life.
Using findings out of gender studies as well as numerous reports of parents’ own experiences and everyday situations, Ravna Marin Siever clearly and sensitively describes the fact that gender is a social construction and is not just binary, but diverse. There are children who are neither male nor female, regardless of the pressures mothers, fathers or society exert to standardise things. Siever explains how children learn who they are and why it is important for them to be able to assign to themselves their own gender identity. The book offers relief for parents, irrespective of whether their child is living out all the pink-blue clichés, is gender non-conforming, non-binary or trans.
• The first book on gender-open parenting
• Written in a very accessible and open way
• With explanations of all the terms, from asexual to transgender