The training manual "being borderline and a mother"

Mothers with Borderline Personality Disorders

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Sigrid Buck-Horstkotte / Babette Renneberg / Charlotte Rosenbach

Mothers with Borderline Personality Disorders

2nd ed. published 2022. 220 pages All rights available

Mothers with Borderline Personality Disorders

• Proven manual for group and individual settings

The lives of people with a borderline personality disorder are characterised by ongoing crises and extreme fluctuations in mood and self-esteem.
Sufferers often react highly impulsively in stress situations. This means that children of mothers with this kind of disorder are often exposed to
major development risks.

The manual provides background information and specific instructions for practical work with mothers who are affected. The twelve training
sessions show victims, amongst other things, how to deal better with stress, their own feelings or the needs of their children. With lots of work
sheets and exercises.

Target Group
Psychological psychotherapists, social workers, youth welfare officers, counselling centres