Trauma in Adolescence

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Regina Steil / Patricia A. Resick / Rita Rosner

Trauma in Adolescence

1st ed. published 2023. 233 pages All rights available

Trauma in Adolescence

This handbook for treating post-traumatic stress disorder in adolescents aged 14 to 21 is tailored to the specific needs and therapeutic challenges of this age group. It provides a whole range of clearly structured worksheets and handouts for those affected and a structured approach for those
treating them.
Strategies for regulating emotion on the basis of dialectic behavioural therapy, strategies for cognitive processing therapy (according to Resick) and the targeted processing of disorders in coping with developmental tasks are combined with one another. The treatment concludes by processing problems in the areas of partnership and sexuality, romantic relationships, career choice and training, relationships with peers, etc.

• Important topic in need of urgent action
• Well-evaluated programme for treating adolescents with PTSD
• Age-specific materials
• Over 30 worksheets for those affected

Child and adolescent psychotherapists, child and adolescent psychiatrists