Understanding and solving conflicts between couples in schema therapy
2nd ed. published 2022. 320 pages Rights sold: Turkish
Opposites attract? It’s true, at the beginning couples come together thanks to an unconscious »relationship chemistry«. Frequently, the one partner also feels attracted to the opposing characteristics of the other and vice versa. However, these different characteristics commonly lead to conflicts as the relationship goes on. Even the smallest irritations can then trigger difficult emotions and reactions.
In situations like these, schema therapy can be helpful – providing experience and methods on how to recognise and accept different haracteristics and behaviour. In addition to this, couples can learn how to avoid conflicts in the future, how to make daily life more harmonious and thereby stabilise their relationship – and in this way rediscover what made them a »good match« in the first place.
• First guidebook which brings schema therapy and relationship problems together
• Authors who are well-known advocates of the schema therapy approach
Target group:
Couples with conflicts, couple therapists