Outline of General Science Education

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Dietrich Benner

Outline of General Science Education

2nd ed. published 2022. 330 pages Rights sold: Poland

Outline of General Science Education

General science education:
• Presents master lectures in science education from European conceptual history
• Develops basic general pedagogical, educational and scientific educational distinctions
• Examines fundamental connections between experience, knowledge, teaching, learning and education
• Explicates these connections using classical paradigms and forms of knowledge from the history of science
• Grapples with the scientific educational approaches of German pedagogy
• Presents building blocks for educational and competence-theoretical teaching and educational research
• Explains this taking examples from mathematics, physics, biology, ethics and politics classes
• And concludes with an outlook on university educational questions and concepts.
The book is aimed at students of education and educational sciences, at teachers and teachers in training along with anyone who deals with questions of general education, teaching methodology and scientific education.