Psst, there’s a thief on the loose!

Pssst. A Robber Story

Tini Malitius

Pssst. A Robber Story

Artwork by Tini Malitius

1st ed. published 2022. 48 pages From the age of 3 years up Rights sold: Spain, Italy, Brazil

Pssst. A Robber Story

The thief quietly sneaks into the house and packs everything that is not firmly nailed down into his big bag. Just a moment ago the vase was there, now it's gone. And poof, the teddy bear is gone, too. But when the thief tries to steal the fat sausage from the refrigerator, it's all over. Because there’s someone in the house who has very good ears and a fine nose as well...
An interactive picture book: sneak between the pages, search and compare.

- Promising newcomer with a memorable style
- Interactive fun
- Stimulates to search and find