How Parents can Support Sensitive and Highly Sensitive Children at School and Pre-School
1st ed. published 2022. 270 pages Rights sold: China
Empowerment for Parents of (Highly) Sensitive Children
More than one in four children in school, pre-school, and day-care are (highly) sensitive. They have a particularly hard time finding their way in the world, and the pandemic has only made matters worse for them. Their parents share in their suffering, are frustrated and confused. Their relationship with their child often suffers too.
Kathrin Borghoff, herself a highly sensitive person and mother of a highly sensitive child, helps parents to encourage highly sensitive children in school and pre-school to develop their strengths and to solve problems – and to prevent them from arising in the first place. For parents and children have far more scope for taking control than they may realize. The voices gathered in this book include scientists and educationists as well as parents and the children themselves. They all show how children can learn to stand up for themselves and find their own ways to take pleasure in learning, and how they can involve themselves in the life of school and pre-school. A separate chapter is devoted to leisure pursuits, competitive situations, and sports, which present special challenges for highly sensitive children and their parents.
• One in four children is highly sensitive
• 10,000 copies sold of Being a Highly Sensitive Mom (Hochsensibel Mama sein)
• Supporting highly sensitive children in school and pre-school
• Includes test “Is my child highly sensitive?”
“Sometimes they say it’s too loud, then they say it’s too quiet. Children who are stressed will have trouble learning and can’t enjoy their playtime—and (highly) sensitive children who can’t learn and play will often come up against an education system that assesses performance and rewards boldness. These little humans, who are in a hard enough situation, run the risk of being stigmatized, of finding themselves singled out as awkward cases. Yet there are solutions to this problem, and these are the solution I want to show in my book.”