With Boo through the night


Artwork by Tini Malitius

1st ed. published 2023. 24 pages From the age of 2 years up Rights sold: Brazil


The furry little forest ghost loves to hide behind trees and rocks in order to scare the animals of the forest. “Boo!” he says as he jumps out. The bat flaps angrily away, the wild boar swings his hoofs, and the deer almost falls over in fright. Boo is thrilled. But is it such a good idea to scare the sleeping dragon? A story that invites the reader to join in and laugh at the tongue-in-cheek “tit for tat” moment at the end.

• In this nocturnal forest full of animals, you can be scared and still feel safe
• Encourages shared repetition and fun being scared while reading aloud
• Told with humour from a child's point of view and level

Tini Malitius was born in Germany and lived in Norway for some time before returning. She studied Digital Culture at the University of Bergen and has only recently started to work as an illustrator for newspapers and magazines. In the fall of 2022, she published the robber story Pssst! her debut in picture books with Beltz & Gelberg.