Logbook for Speed Focusing

Ulrike Pilz-Kusch

Logbook for Speed Focusing

1st ed. published 2023. 227 pages All rights available

Logbook for Speed Focusing

Discover your inner navigation system – flourishing instead of floundering

Ulrike Pilz-Kusch introduces a compact form of focusing in this logbook: Speed Focusing. It is a science-based method that specifically activates your body intelligence and helps you to discover your inner navigation system. It is easy to integrate the many exercises into your everyday life and this allows you to find answers to challenging situations quickly and effortlessly.

The logbook is split up into three sections:
- Basic elements: use focusing to listen to your inner voice in everyday life
- Applying speed focusing in everyday life: exploratory experiments
- Easy to integrate into everyday life: instructions for busy people on how to use it

This logbook is an open invitation to you to discover your inner navigation system in order to bring more lightness and vitality into your life. Activating your body intelligence helps because your body already knows what is needed to find strength and take the next step. You can record the results of the various exercises in the logbook. This anchors the results more firmly. This inner knowledge allows you to find answers surprisingly quickly and effortlessly in situations which are challenging and unclear.

The exercises can also be integrated into coaching, seminars and other forms of counselling or can be given to the client as ‘homework’. These speed-focusing methods also help you to get to the essentials more quickly and to work in a more relaxed manner. This makes it relatively easy to achieve a balanced self-control.