Methods, Themes, Areas of Focus
1st ed. published 2014. 280 pages All rights available
• Clear-cut and accessible presentation
• Directly applicable to individual life review work
»Handbook Biography Work« describes themes and focus areas, and presents some 150 new and established methods, illustrated with examples of how to do build biography work into a daily routine. Comprehensive catalogues of questions that overlap areas, situation descriptions, and suggestions for the use of different media foster reflection, discussion, and projects. Designed for easy use by the practitioner, the handbook
provides suggestions for education, encounters, care and therapy. Biography work encourages readers to reflect on their own life story and listen to the stories of others. The work eases or heals wounds from the past, strengthens individuals in the present, and offers new perspective for meeting life’s challenges.
Target group:
Students, lecturers and practitioners in the field of social work, educational science and care, all those interested in the practice of biography work and its implementation