Surprising solutions for real equality
Artwork by Teresa Holtmann
1st ed. published 2024. 255 pages All rights available
Against the tide is the right direction
If you want to live with equal rights today, you can’t wait for tomorrow’s politics, you have to take action yourself. But how do you break out of entrenched gender patterns in relationships, care, and the workplace? The author of the Spiegel bestselling book “Raus aus der Mental Load Falle” and qualified psychologist Patricia Cammarata provides the tools to carve out new paths despite an annoyingly inflexible system. She offers practical everyday suggestions on how to find allies, debunk stubborn stereotypes, distribute household tasks fairly, communicate properly, work equally, and think against the grain. It is high time that pattern-breaking took place not only in the mind but also in everyday life.
• Food for thought for partnership, family life, and the workplace
• Full of suggestions for an equal everyday life
• The author is a widely connected mental load pioneer
• With humorous illustrations by @frolleinmotte
“Whether part-time, mental load, external care, or behavioral patterns: Behind everything, there are patterns that make it difficult for us to live equally, because when we break these patterns, we are swimming against the tide. This book should be your companion so that you don’t feel like an outsider because you want to live differently from the way most people still live today.” Patricia Cammarata