Attachment Parenting Without Burnout

Nora Imlau

Attachment Parenting Without Burnout

Attentively accompanying children without burning out yourself

new 3rd ed. published 2024. 205 pages All rights available

Attachment Parenting Without Burnout

Attentively accompanying children without burning out yourself

It’s better to be happy than perfect
Attachment parenting is not only cuddly and beautiful, it’s also exhausting. And here, Nora Imlau addresses a taboo that no other author will touch. According to estimates, one in five mothers today is acutely burnt out. In her new book, the bestselling author not only offers solutions for parents who are constantly on the brink in everyday family life, but also for mothers and fathers who don’t want to get overwhelmed or even burn out in the first place.
In a practical, solution-oriented manner, Nora Imlau uses many personal examples and information from psychology and science to show how life with children can be organized in a way that is both attachment and needs-oriented as well as relaxed and calm. Because a lack of political and social support also contributes to the exhaustion of parents, Nora Imlau formulates demands for a society that must finally help to reduce the pressure under which so many families suffer.
• THE book on the subject: Preventing and escaping parental burnout
• A major cause of distress dealt with in a solution-oriented and practical way

“Fortunately, attachment parenting can tolerate a lot of parental imperfection. If we allow ourselves to occasionally make life easier, more relaxed and more beautiful, for example with generous media time, with less encouragement and more hanging around, with less harshness towards ourselves and more self-care in action—then that’s the best thing we can do for a strong, attachment-oriented childhood.” Nora Imlau