Leading the Pack

Jesper Juul

Leading the Pack

Providing loving guidance for your family. With a foreword by Susanne Mierau

Prologue by Susanne Mierau

12th ed. published 2023. 239 pages Rights sold: Bulgaria, Poland, Spain, Hungary

Leading the Pack

Providing loving guidance for your family. With a foreword by Susanne Mierau

The parenting classic in an expanded new edition
Parenting is easier when parents take the lead in the family. But for mothers and fathers who raise their children in a needs-oriented way, developing their own leadership style in the family presents a major challenge. In his standard work for parents, which has now sold over 100,000 copies, the renowned family therapist provides highly topical answers and shows how parenting based on equality and respect can be combined with a clear, loving leadership role. Jesper Juul’s creative suggestions help parents to develop a leadership style that brings calm and peace to family life. Parenting is about being flexible rather than rigidly consistent. Above all, it is about developing trust in themselves and their children.
The new foreword by Susanne Mierau and numerous statements by authors and Juul ambassadors look at contemporary childhood and show how much Jesper Juul still means for modern parents.
• The leadership book for parents—over 100,000 copies sold
• Redesigned and with a new foreword by Susanne Mierau
• For parents struggling with their leadership role
• Suitable for parents of babies, children, and teenagers

“The Danish family expert Jesper Juul helps adults to make the most difficult problem easier: How to deal with children.” Die Zeit